A Covid Christmas

Christmas 2019 seems such a long time ago. Back when we’d never heard of Covid-19. The idea of having to wear a mask to nip to Tesco’s in 2019 would have been mind blowing. A time when even the thought of having to lockdown just a few days before the start of festivities would have been an anathema.
Here we are though in 2020. Planning our first Covid Christmas and the world seems such a different place to 12 months ago. How times change.
It’s been easy to get down in the dumps during 2020, and even more so as we see Christmas approaching. A time for families, for hope, for charity a time to reconnect with loved ones. All of which will be impacted by the latest government restrictions. Moreover a time when church families come together to remember how our Saviour came all the way from Heavens glory to a lowly stable in Bethlehem.
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”
Matthew 1:23 KJV
At Community Baptist Church we want to try and look passed the masks. Think of a time when the lockdowns have ended and Covid-19 is well in the rearview mirror. A time when God willing we’ll be able to come together as a church and worship our Saviour collectively once again. What a great day that will be!
One thing that history teaches us is that pandemics fizzle out. They have an end point and eventually normality resumes.
So let’s be positive about Christmas and the upcoming New Year. We might not be able to worship together in the way we’d like, but we can certainly pray that if God tarries the new year will be brighter than the latter.
On the front cover of this post is a star. In Matthew 2 we also read about a star. A star that led the wise men to Bethlehem. A star that “stood over where the young child was“. A star which when the wise men saw it, made them rejoice with “exceeding great joy“.
We all need a little of that “exceeding great joy” and even more so in the midst of a pandemic. Let’s not forget that Jesus Christ, our Saviour is “the light of the world”. He’s not only brighter than any star, He created all the stars!
As a church we just want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and we pray that over the next few days you’ll be able to spend a peaceful and enjoyable time with your friends and family. God bless you all and let’s pray 2021 will be a time when we can finally hang up our masks.