Changes to our services during summer
Summer holidays are here again!
It’s that time of year when folks start getting out their suitcases, packing their flip flops, blowing up their beach balls and getting ready for their annual summer trips.
We’ve got a busy summer period as Pastor and his family will be away for a 3 week period which will impact our services.
So throughout August our Sunday morning services will still operate as normal, at The Longfield Suite at 10.45am, but on the 12th/19th and 26th August we will be having guest speakers from Milton Baptist Church in Stoke. Something I know many of you are already excited about.
For those same three Sundays, the 12th/19th and 26th August there will not be any Sunday evening services.
We’ve also had to cancel three midweek prayer meetings and bible studies on Wednesday the 8th/15th and 22nd August.
Regular services will resume from the week beginning Monday 27th August, where the normal weekend and midweek service times will (God willing) get back to normal.
If you have any questions or queries then please contact Pastor using the usual channels.