Church Summer Lunch
As mentioned at the weekend service, there will be a church summer lunch this coming Sunday (18Jun).
So get your suntan cream on and your big floppy hats ready, as we’re hoping for a little sunshine and fellowship straight after next Sundays service.
Cath and Mark have opened up their house once again and will be hosting a church summer lunch. We’ve decided to go down the pot luck route with lots of prayers!! So feel free to bring whatever you want, but don’t hesitate to contact Cath if you need a little culinary direction.
We do hope that the weather holds and that we can enjoy a great time of fellowship together.
The Bible says “exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). It’s good to be an encouragement to one another. So if you can make the summer lunch this weekend we believe it will be a blessing.
If you’ve any further questions feel free to contact Cath.