Look Up not Lockdown
I think we’re all getting a little stir crazy right now. The cabin fever is starting to set in as we sit in our living rooms surrounded by toilet rolls and hand sanitiser. We dream of times long ago when we could actually get out of the house, go for a coffee or get a bite to eat somewhere other than our fridge. Those days seem such a distant memory right now.
It’s easy to get down in the dumps. To get a little negative about life and let the lockdown get on top of us. It’s tough. No one still living today has ever had to go through something quite like this. A worldwide shutdown is pretty much unprecedented.
But let’s try the best we can church to look-up in the lockdown!
Remember that wonderful bible verse:
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2
We look at Facebook to see how our friends are doing, we look in our bank accounts to see how little money we have coming in and we look at BBC News 24 to see what the latest covid-19 update is. Often in times like these we look to pretty much everything except Jesus. However the bible says “Look unto Jesus”.
When all this is over. When covid-19 is long gone. Jesus will still be set down at the right hand of God the Father ever interceding for us. He’s the author and finisher of our faith and I’m grateful in this incredibly volatile world for an anchor that is safe and secure. Something solid and eternal in such a fast moving and ever changing world.
So look up in the lockdown. Look to Jesus. We may have to endure a few weeks of lockdown, but he endured the cross so that we may live.