take HEART

cbc ladies invite you to:

take HEART – ladies day

tender hearted…brave hearted…down hearted…faint hearted


wherever your heart, come & take HEART: BE ENCOURAGED


what is it all about?

takeHEART is a day for ladies to come together for fun and fellowship. There will be quizzes, competitions, food, and craft as well as 3 devotions from Gail Gritts of Temple Baptist Church, Wolverhampton. It is a day to be encouraged and to encourage and to have some fun!

when and where is it?

takeHEART starts at 10.45am (although refreshments will be available for those who arrive early), on  21 April 2018. The day will end around 3.15pm. It will be held at the Longfield Centre, Prestwich, Manchester M25 1AY.

what do I need to come?

If you would like to come, please let us know by 3 April 2018 as we will need an idea of numbers for catering purposes. Please also let us know if you have any dietary requirements. You can let us know by either email or via Maureen Fearnhead (contact details below).

do I have to pay?

There is no charge for coming along. We will be taking an offering at the end of the day  to pay towards the hire of the room, however there is no obligation to give anything.

Refreshments and a savoury lunch will be provided although please can you bring a cake or dessert(s) (equal to the amount that you and your ladies will eat) – we do like a sweetheart!

where can I get more information?

All ages are welcome (although unfortunately there are no creche facilities). The Longfield Suite is wheelchair accessible via a lift. If you have any questions at all then please get in touch at cbcladies@hotmail.co.uk or contact Maureen Fearnhead

how do I get there?

We have a dedicated directions page on the website which should give you all the information you need to arrive at the Longfield Centre in good time. If you need further information or help then please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details above.

The date for your diary:

21 April 2018

10.45am – 3.15pm

Longfield Centre, Longfield Suite

Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1AY